
3 Sureshot Signs of Bed Bug Infestation You Should Look out for

Bed bugs are one of the parasites that thrive on feeding on human blood. They can elongate themselves a quarter of an inch long and double in size after they are fed. They don’t only infect your bed, but metaphorically your life as well. You can easily find them on your sofa, clothes or other furniture where they can multiply. As a matter of fact, in a matter of a year, bed bugs can reproduce up to 3 generations in your home. Look out for these signs of punaise de lit infestation in your home.

  1. Apparent symptoms on your bed

Bed bugs leave quite inevitable signs of infestation on your bed and other furniture parts as well. When these pests breed, they leave behind eggs that may seem like tiny, pale pods that look a lot like poppy seeds. The feces these bugs leave behind are rust in color and can disperse on a porous material like fabrics on your bed. Look out for symptoms under your mattress too for dark brown staining. This is another symptom of bed bugs infesting that area. If you smell something musty or an odor like coriander, then it is a sign of a huge infestation of bed bugs.

  1. Check your skin

You may also notice a series of red bumps on your skin that have no explanation. This is a foolproof sign of bed bug infestation. These bugs are most active in the nighttime and feed on exposed human skin. The bed bug bites don’t cause pain and may take around 14 days to show up its symptoms like swelling, redness, and itching. Don’t mistake them for pimples, rashes and mosquito bites.

  1. Treatment and prevention

There may be no treatment for curing the bed bug bites, but they fade over time. These bites are usually harmless, but for some it may cause allergies and itching. You can use topical creams and antihistamines to cure the itching. If the bite is heavy, then there may be an open skin wound that may cause a bacterial infection. The only way to keep the infestation and growth if bed bugs at bay is to not let them do the same. As they are so tiny and they can live months without being fed, you may need some professional help to get rid of them.